Sunday, January 23, 2011


I just got back from a weekend of bachelor party frivolity for son number 2.  It was a weekend of casino life, some Division I basketball, bar time, culminating with some more casino time.  The details are unimportant and if you have even been to an event such as this I am reasonably sure that you have at least some small window into what these kind of events entail.  It is not about the details of what happened, for me at least, it was more about WHO was there.

I have always believed that you can tell a great deal about a person by observing the people that are the “friends.”  In the 50 plus hours that I spent with this group of people I can honestly say that I am very proud of son #2.  He has managed to accumulate some very high quality friends from many different sections of his life thus far.  I am so very happy that he has been able to make friends so easily, and even more importantly, maintain and nurture them after these many years.  It was very clear to me that they love and accept him for who and what he is!  He not only has managed to plant a beautiful garden, but he has obviously nurtured his garden of friends for years. 

High school friends, summer camp friends and colleagues, college buddies, work colleagues, and people who have crossed his path for one reason or another were all present this weekend.  I would estimate that at least half of the group were people that I had never met or even laid eyes upon.  The other half I know very well and have a long history with.  They all had stories of the Boss that made us laugh, and they all served as a reminder of the growth pattern of his life and the role of good friends all along the way.    

My feeling is that Adam has the kind of personality that seems to attract caring, friendly, fun, and life long friends.  In my time this weekend I had the chance to chat with many of them and to my satisfaction each and every one of them meets and exceed my expectations for what I would call “quality people.”  They speak kindly of my son, of each other, and having had the chance to sit back and watch them all interact gave me a great sense of satisfaction and a re-affirmation of just how important good, and long-lasting friendships are in the whole scheme of things.   

Education is important.

Money is a necessary commodity.

Success is valued by all.

Quality friendships are the foundation for the kind of life we all should aspire to.

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