Thursday, May 10, 2012

Teacher Recognition Day

Where to start?  In the course of my lifetime I have been blessed with many people, from many walks of life who have played an important role in helping me to learn.  I am a fan of learning and each and every person who took the time, gave of their talent or wisdom to help me get to the place where I am today I continue to recognize and express my deepest gratitude.
My mom and dad were amazing!  They taught me that being adopted is very special.  They told me that they CHOSE me from a whole nursery of babies.  This gift of learning has helped me to appreciate even more that home is about the people who love you and care for matter where they come from.  Respect for others, hard work, the love for learning, and being strong in the face of adversity were all part of the learning from my first teachers.  Even though they are both gone now, I still have many fond memories of what they taught me.
School teachers.....starting with my dad....were stage two of my learning.  I learned how to share, how to be quiet when others were talking, how to listen carefully to instructions, and how to be a responsible citizen.  I did not always make this easy for them, but they were relentless and never let me off the hook.  I had some amazing and memorable teachers in primary and high school and college who I loved.  I cannot even imagine what I would have become if not for them.  They helped to create my love of reading, my interest in history, and my general love of learning for learnings sake.  My dad, my first teacher role model, was creative, knowledgeable about his area of expertise, fair, hard working, and honest.  I watched him do what he did, watched his interactions with the students, and came to want desperately to be a teacher just like him.  I still remember when I was in third grade when I as asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, and the answer was a teacher.  This never changed.
Teaching colleagues were crucial in my learning curve when it came to being a classroom teacher.  From the minute I started teaching there were those fellow teachers who made suggestions, gave me a willing ear when I needed to talk, and told me when they thought I was making a mistake.  Some of my most memorable learning took place in the faculty room, where we talked strategy, philosophy, and methodology.  For over three decades there were fellow teachers who were amazing and very talented, and who were more than willing to share with me.  I learned a lot watching them work, observing them as they interacted with their students, and had a great time when we celebrated together often on Friday afternoons during happy hour.  I loved them and miss them, but they are in my heart and mind each and every day. 
I have also had the the pleasure to work with hundreds of young people who I taught, coached, or spent time with during my twelve summers at summer camp.  They taught me about music, technology, God, and food.  Each day was a new exciting and amazing adventure.  Their honesty, their perspective, their desire to be make a difference, and their work ethic always amazed and impressed me.  I loved the kids who made such an impact on my life!  I am thankful for all they taught me.

Richard Bach said that “If you have stopped learning you are dead.”  I have always found this to be an axiom to live by.  On this day of teacher recognition I want to just say thank each and every person who teaches others.  We are better because of you and grateful for all that you do.
Happy Teacher Recognition Day!

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