Thursday, October 13, 2011


Who in the hell invented tupperware anyhow?  I guess to answer my own question I could google it and get the name of this inventor, but I wonder if this creative soul had any idea how this mass of plastic would impact the life of an ordinary household.
We have a lot of these plastic containers in our house and they have brought me personally a goodly share of aggravation.  I am amazed how my plastic collection seems to grow exponentially and yet I cannot imagine when the I last bought any of this stuff at the store. Maybe my wife is buying this stuff and putting it away without my knowledge.  
It has found it way to our fridge, our cupboard, some drawers are filled with it, and I cannot remember that last time that I ran the dishwasher that a large portion of the load did not contain many plastic containers.  I have tried to move some it to the re-cycle graveyard, yet it seems to have more lives than a vampire and it continues to live somewhere in my house.  Too bad......we need more fleece in WNY.
I am aggravated by the fact that when I do use this stuff that I can never seem to find a top that fits.  Even the new color coded stuff leaves me pissing and moaning when I am trying to put away leftovers after dinner.  I push and pull and more often than not I just hope that I eat the leftovers by the next day so that they do not spoil because of a poor “snap top.”   They also seem to fit nowhere in our cupboards or drawers.  Crazy sizes make them impossible to store and equally difficult to maintain.
My primary theory about why I have so much plastic revolves around the possibility that other people who have collected their own stash of tupperware products are secretly doing their best to get rid of theirs by making it ours.  Parties, get togethers, bag lunches, family gatherings, and holidays provide a ton of opportunities to “forget” their plastic.  “Bring it back the next time you see me” is a great way to lose some of this plastic without agonizing about what to do with it.  Some people just flat out leave it wherever they brought it and don’t give a damn where it ends long as it is not in their house it is all good.  I even have a sneaking suspicion that some people even bring an extra bag of their plastic from home in a grocery bag and just leave it wherever they go.
I guess at the end of the day that there is not a darn thing I can do to deal with the amount of tupperware there is in my house and in the world......except to make sure that I don’t leave any leftovers, and make sure I pay close attention to what my wife brings home from the store.  Just know that the idea of bring some of my tupperware to your house so I can lighten my plastic load is a very interesting strategy.

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