I have to admit that I am intrigued with the Occupy (Your City Name) movement that has taken over the nation and the world. The fact that so many thousands of people are willing to live under the stars and brave the weather in the name of what they hope will lead to a better America is amazing and in many ways very inspiring.
Over the past few weeks I have been watching with interest with the growing numbers of people who are out there doing their thing. I am am more interested in the great diversity of the protestors. Young people with few job prospects and thousands in college loans, Baby Boomers who watched their retirement savings disappear with the crash of Wall Street, and elderly people who are upset with health care and money lost while under the watchful eye of Wall Street traders and bankers. Students, teachers, homemakers, small business owners, retired folks, and people who are just sick and tired of Congressional gridlock and an unemployment rate that grows by the day.
I am a news hound who reads everything and tries to have an understanding of the economics, politics, domestic policy, and foreign policy of this nation. Jobs and the lack thereof, political parties that seem to be more concerned about their own party than they are about the state of the nation, leadership that is being questioned by everyone, and 24 hour news programs that use sound bites and of pieces of news that they seem to believe should pass as news dominate our lives. When you add the political theatrics that make up the election cycle it is easy to understand why people are angry. The more you know and the more you read or watch the news it would seem to me that our new revolutionaries have a lot to be unhappy about.
Understanding WHY they are distraught is easy. Trying to get a grip on WHAT they plan to do about their concerns and their grievances is a completely different issue. When I asked a friend who is participating in my city this very question he answered, We are going to make changes.” When I pressed him about what specific changes he reminded me that the Bank Of America, and other banks were rolling back their debit card fees. He believed that the Occupy (Your City Name) movement was directly responsible for this. If this is indeed true then I am very thankful for their ability to facilitate change.
I am all for the new revolutionary spirit that has taken over the nation. Real revolutions have been few are far between in my lifetime and yet revolutions can be to focal point of real and long lasting changes. Marching in protest, refusing to work, speaking in front of the crowd, writing a list of grievances, writing and singing revolutionary songs, going to jail in the name of the movement or using social media of all sizes and shapes are all important in a revolutionary movement. Respect and admiration flows from me to each and every person who gives of their time, energy, and spirit to these various movements. The Occupy (Your City Name) movement is about challenging that which is hurtful to the people and demands that the powers that be get off their dead, uncompromising asses and do what needs to be done to get this nation back on track. This a great deal harder to do than one would think, but I honestly believe that the squeaky wheel can, and often does, get the grease. The squeaking is getting louder and louder so keep demanding that you get some relief!!
It is my hope that a leader will emerge to help facilitate their plan for change. I am confident that their resolve remains strong and that they will stick to their guns even as the winter weather approaches. People in large numbers have always gotten more done that any single person so as your numbers grow you will have to find a way to make the numbers work for you and help you to get where it is that you have decided that you want to go.
Don’t allow that 1% to prevent you from pushing forward toward the goals that you believe are worthy of your hard work.
Continue to insist that the members of the government listen to your concerns and demand for change even when you know that our past experience has taught us that most political types are concerned more with re-election than what they can accomplish when they arrive at the beginning of a new legislative session. What people say is not nearly as important as what they do! We all need to be more demanding of those who make decisions in our name, using whatever means we are comfortable with. If they are not doing what we ask of them then we MUST replace them with new representatives. Our power to vote is crucial to the process.
Do what you do to continue to hold there folks accountable as your elected officials. They work for you, not the other way around. Be sure to use your constitutional right to vote, speak your mind, and demand that he status quo is not good enough today, it was not good enough yesterday, and it will never be good enough. This is true for bankers, wall street people, and those who have much more money than they need or could ever use.
I respect you, admire you, and support you!
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