I have a deep need to pass along some information that I have learned over the past few months that I believe most people are not aware of.
More women in this country die of heart disease than any other type of disease. This includes all forms of cancer COMBINED.
Cancer is horrific disease that takes way too many lives. This is true for men, women, and children. Being the father of a cancer survivor has had a huge impact in my life and for me cancer is always a cause that will be close to my heart and in the forefront of my imagination. The fact that this nation is investing tons of money into both prevention and cure of this horrible disease is a testament to our desire to make the world a better place. We need to continue to work the medical community for a one day cure of each and every form of this disease.
This being said, the statistics do not lie. More and more women die each and every day from some heart related disease. The reality is that heart disease often does not present symptoms that allow us to do something about it in a preventative way. Men and women have different symptomology and for many years all the attention was focused on men because so many die of a heart attack. Their symptoms became easier to spot and lots of effort was put into getting the word out to the male part of the population that you need to pay attention to the heart. You never saw a woman in a training film or an advertisement talking about heart disease. This needs to change. NOW!! The heart health of women has now reached the point where it needs to be front and center of media attention.
In this day and age hypertension, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high sugar are all components in this heart disease problem. These are all problems that impact the women of the twenty first century. These concerns are real and women need to begin to be checked out regularly Women are great at getting their bodies checked regularly for cancer but heart disease seems to fly under the radar and often goes undetected. This silent killer is powerful and needs to be addressed.
On this upcoming Valentine’s Day it is my hope that all women begin to take action to make sure that they are living a healthy lifestyle and doing everything in their power to achieve a heart healthy lifestyle. Get to the Dr. very soon and get all the tests that you need to get to give you a clear picture of the quality of your heart health. The best gift that any woman can give to her family, friends, and most importantly to herself, is a greater understanding of her own heart health.
I have reaped the benefits of having many strong, intelligent, and sensitive women in my life. To have you around for many more years is my greatest desire. Your heart means everything to me!
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